Deck the Tree Run, organised by Tricia Collins – Sunday 23rd December 2018 (later than usual owing to Loftus date this year) sees the return of the annual “Deck the Tree” run – approximately 12 miles, at an easy pace, starting from the Punch Bowl in Edmundbyers at 8.30. Running out to a lone tree at the foot of Bolts Law Fell, which we then deck with baubles and tinsel. If we’re lucky, we’ll be met at the tree by Bounders bringing sweet mince pies and mulled wine to refuel for the return journey, this is also the point where runners wishing to do a shorter route join for the return journey
The run will take you across fells, moorland and fields, and although mostly on good tracks, it may be very wet and boggy in places – please come prepared for the terrain and possible adverse weather conditions, with trail shoes (or old trainers), plenty of layers and a waterproof.
Don’t forget to bring some baubles and tinsel, and as always, festive hats are a must!