June 2020

Following the new government advice on 28 May 2020 easing lockdown restrictions, groups of up to six people from different households will be able to meet outside in England from Monday 1 June (maintaining social distancing guidelines of 2m apart).
As a result, we have updated our guidance documents:
- Guidance for athletes and runners return to activity
- Guidance for coaches and leaders return to activity
- Guidance for athletic venues return to activity
The summarised changes are below:
What it means for athletics and running
- Exercise outdoors only in groups of up to 6 people providing athletes/runners maintain social distancing advice i.e. 2m apart if from a different household
- A coach and up to 5 athletes or runners can train together provided they maintain social distancing i.e. 2m apart if from a different household
- Advice for young, masters and disabled runners and athletes is contained in the athlete guidance document.
Click here to download Guidance for Athletes and Runners – return to restricted activity (PDF 220kB)
Public outdoor spaces including any outdoor athletics venues that are open plus gardens.
Number of people
Up to 6 people
- A Covid-19 co-ordinator identified in each club to take responsibility for club plan and undertake the relevant risk assessments. Click here for the Risk Assessment documents. These risk assessments and club plans must be in place before any activity can take place in order for insurance to be valid.
- In order for a club’s insurance to be valid, the club needs to be affiliated to England Athletics.
- Clubs should consider, as an alternative, virtual options for large group training/ coaching and committee meetings.
- Clubs should continue to liaise with venue operators for updates and guidance.
- Club activity can then begin as per each individual club’s plan based on government and England Athletics’ advice.
- Online coaching can continue.
- Small group coaching outdoors of up to 6 people including the coach providing you maintain social distancing i.e. 2m apart if from a different household
- You must complete a risk assessment before sessions take place. Click here for Risk Assessment documents.
- Coaches must have an up to date valid coach licence and be coaching within their qualification boundaries – this will ensure that all coached sessions are covered by insurance.
- Familiarise yourself with national and local venue guidance
- Follow the coach code of conduct
Click here for Guidance for Athletics Venues – return to restricted activity (PDF 200kB)
Click here for Guidance for Coaches – return to restricted activity (PDF 270kB)
- Outdoor venues may open with social distancing measures put into place and Covid-19 secure guidelines followed.
- Operate online booking for the track where at all possible, or alternatively phone bookings. Take online or card payment.
- No changing rooms or social spaces open.
- No Jumps.
We are gathering more insight on jumps. There remain some concerns around the ability to clean these facilities robustly to maintain hygiene standards. We are working with UKA and when we have a solution, we will update the guidance as quickly as possible.
Click here for Guidance for Athletics Venues – return to restricted activity (PDF 200kB)
Track and Field Competition
- No face-to-face competition permitted – England Athletics is running a series of virtual running competitions and challenges.
- The competition framework for potential return to track and field competition is available here. We will inform competition providers of the process to apply for a licence as soon as possible and in line with government guidance for any return to competition for any non-elite sport.
Road Running
- Small group training outdoors only in groups of up to 6 people providing runners maintain social distancing advice i.e. 2m apart if from a different household.
- A coach and up to 5 athletes or runners can train together provided they maintain social distancing i.e. 2m apart if from a different household.
- No face-to-face competition permitted – England Athletics is running a series of virtual running competitions and challenges.
- Advice for young, masters and disabled runners and athletes is contained in the athlete guidance document.
Click here for Guidance for Athletes and Runners – return to restricted activity (PDF 220kB)
Over the coming days and weeks, we will be looking to move the suspension of jumps to jumps with restrictions, along with providing guidance for Road Running and Affiliated clubs.
All parties should note the following disclaimer:
Please note that the subject matter covered in this guidance is in no way exhaustive and the material does not stand on its own nor is intended to be relied upon as a substitute for obtaining specific legal advice. Individual circumstances will differ. The information contained in this guidance is given in good faith but any liability of England Athletics Limited or its professional advisors (including their respective members or employees) to you or any third party which may arise out of the reliance by you or any other party of the contents of this guidance is hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. England Athletics Limited and its professional advisors accept no duty of care or liability for any loss occasioned, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, to any person acting or refraining from actions as a result of any material in this guidance. We would strongly recommend that you consult professional advisors on specific issues before acting or refraining from action on any of the contents of this guidance.
These guidance documents have been prepared by England Athletics Limited
© England Athletics Limited 2020. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any material from these publications is permissible only when attributed to England Athletics.