Update 7 July: Click here for an update on training guidance following the government advice on 4th July
George McKay has very kindly offered to provide a series of time trials and also some information on a challenge that ALL club members can participate in.
There is a poll on our Members Facebook page of some distances that you as members may prefer to time trial,
- 1 Mile
- 2 Mile
- 5K
- 10K
The plan is to stagger start times, i.e. if you run a mile in 9 mins and someone runs it in 7 mins they will start 2 mins after you. This will be done using the current Covid-19 guidelines provided by England Athletics which can be found on this website, the link above and our Members facebook page. There is also another poll to decide which day/time suits the majority, one idea is 9am Saturday which could get us into the routine of parkrun for when it starts back up.
The other challenge is Around the World in 80 Days which starts on the 9th July and is free to join. We currently have 23 members who have joined up via the following link, https://www.challengehound.com/join/6f82bde0-bc7b-11ea-b938-6df4006075ab
It’s only 32,000 miles! an additional 10,000 on top of Phileas Fogg, why? because we can… and a couple of extra stops at our home nations capitals! This challenge is also open to our Junior section, as long as they have approval from their parents/guardians.
Challenge Hound can be linked to your Strava account so there is no need to manually upload anything, it is fully inclusive with the types of activities you can use,
Run, Virtual Run, Walk, Hike, Ride, Virtual Ride, Row, Kayak, Swim, Alpine Ski, Ice Skate, Nordic Ski, Wheelchair, Handcycle, Elliptical, Backcountry Ski, Inline Skate, or Roller Ski 32,000 Miles in 80 days!
You will automatically receive email updates after each activity you record. You can also come back to Challenge Hound at any time to view your progress and compare your results. If you already have activities recorded that qualify, you’ll need to allow up to ten minutes for Challenge Hound to sync up.
This is a Team Challenge and great way of motivation if you want to sign up and take part use the link above to join. Good luck!