Dear members,
Following England Athletics Guidance update on 31 July 2020. We will be restarting club nights, with immediate effect. The sessions will commence at 6.00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
In order to help the sessions run smoothly it has been decided that we will now meet around the area of the War Memorial at Consett Sports Centre, this will help keep the Sports Centre entrance clear for their members. Those wishing to participate in Stewy Bell’s coached track sessions on Tuesdays at 6.00pm are asked to go straight to the track.
See link for further information from England Athletics – https://www.englandathletics.org/athletics-and-running/news/guidance-update-for-restricted-return-to-activity-for-coaches-leaders-athletes-runners-and-facilities-step-3/
As mentioned in the documentation, we have appointed a Covid co-ordinator, George McKay will fulfil this role.
We have prepared a risk assessment which is available at the bottom of this page. We ask that you read it carefully and familiarise yourself with its contents.
We would also be grateful if you could take note of the following :-
Before Leaving Home:
• Follow all hygiene guidance including washing your hands.
• If you, or anyone in your household have any Covid19 symptoms, you should not attend training.
On arrival:
• Please use the car park
• Make your way to the War Memorial but please respect the War Memorial and its surroundings (or track), maintaining social distance.
Membership fees were due in January 2020, there are still a few outstanding, obviously due to circumstances beyond our control we weren’t pushing payment of fees. We will be doing some maintenance on our website and members only facebook page at the end of the week so any non-paid up members will be deleted from the members forum. If you could kindly let us know if you do not intend to renew that would also be appreciated.
Please see below information with regard to the time trials that George McKay has kindly organised. If you wish to participate please contact George direct.
In light of the ongoing Covid-19 situation and the cancelation of running events, George McKay has put some Time Trial (TT) events together which will replace the Club Grand Prix.
These will be open to all club members, heats will set off with a handicap time for each runner, so it will be first runner across the finish line that will be the first finisher regardless of the handicap time you set off or the time it took you to complete the route.
Point System:
Points will be allocated to all finishers in your heat, with the maximum points going to the first finisher and decreasing to the last finisher, i.e. 5 Athletes in a Heat:
1st Place 5pts, 2nd Place 4pts, 3rd Place 3pts etc.
If there is only ‘one heat’ due to the amount of entries that will be classed as the event. If there is more than one heat the winner from each heat will go onto form an additional heat i.e. semi-final/finals which will take place later in the month(s), points from addition heats will count in the scoring system.
The size of the Heats will depend on how many athletes are participating but most importantly they will comply with UKA/EA/Government guidelines regarding Covid-19, so they may change as the competition progresses.
Handicap Timings:
In order to make this as fair as possible and to ensure all those attending are in with a chance of winning, your Estimated Best Effort for that specific distance will be taken from Strava.
If you do not have an estimated Best Effort then your fastest time over that distance within the last 4 months will be used.
Oh yes, there will be trophies, it is hoped these will be presented at the AGM.
There will be prizes for each TT event as well as an overall prize should you enter all three events.
Entries can be made either via our members Facebook page or email georgemckay055@aol.com this will allow George to work out the handicap timings and allocate you a heat.1mile TT: 9am Saturday 15th August 2020 (entries no later than 1200pm Friday 7thAugust)5K TT: 9am Saturday 12th September 2020 (entries no later than 1200pm Friday 4thSeptember)
10K TT: 9am Saturday 10th October 2020 (entries no later than 1200pm Friday 2ndOctober)
Stewy Bell