Notice of AGM

The Annual General Meeting for 2022 will take place on:

Saturday 19th February at 7:00pm

Venue: Bowls Club

All members are invited to attend the meeting at which there will be:

  • Reports from the Chair and Treasurer on the progress of the club in 2020/21
  • Elections of the Management Committee for 2022

After the formal meeting there will be an open forum for members to put forward their views and ideas on a range of issues to help guide your Committee in planning the way forward in 2022 and beyond.

The issues include:

  • Communications
  • The training calendar
  • Races and events
  • What do members want from the club?

**Expressions of interest in joining the Committee and any other business relating to the club has been extended to Friday 11th February**

Stewy Bell
Club Secretary