All posts by Admin

Weekend Round Up 19/1/24

North East Harrier League – Wrekenton

Sub zero temperatures greeted the runners at Wrekenton to the delight of everyone. We were represented in 4 of the races with good performances all around


23rdJude Harrison07:24
43rdFenn Harrison07:52

U17 Men

12thBen Heckles20:10

Senior Women

314thJudith Erington43:43

Senior Men

40th Jordan Bell37:44(32:44)
391stStewy Bell59:40

Brass Monkey Half Marathon

A good turnout for the first chance at a half marathon of the new year down at York Racecourse. With the weather being no warmer than in Wrekenton

Gary Wallace01:13:44
Lee Mccarron01:18:54
Keiron Lightfoot01:19:14
Tony Coleby01:48:51
Maresa Bell01:55:02
Shane Harris01:58:03
Rachel Edmunds02:10:50
Fiona Bell02:42:14
Bryn Young02:47:07

Well done to everyone who got out, braved the elements and raced over the weekend.

Birtley Cross Country Relays

With many of the races over the weekend falling victim to the weather we were fortunate to have a couple of teams at the Birtley Cross Country Relays.   

Both teams showed good spirit despite the bitter conditions in the freezing temperatures as the fog rolled in. The 2 mile coursed proved a decent challenge of fast straights and short steep hills which everyone tackled well to post very respectable performances.  

Senior women (47th) 

Stacey Bell 17:49 

Cheryl Richards 14:47 

Adele Mcaleer 17:05 

Senior Men (14th)  

Gary Wallace 10:08  

Ash Slavin 10:53 

Jon Dodds  12:53  

Full results at:  

Notice of AGM

The Annual General Meeting for 2025 will take place on:
Friday 7th February 2025 at 7pm (open from 6:30)
Venue: Consett Bowls Club

All members are invited to attend the meeting at which there will be:

  • Reports from the officers of the management committee and a statement of accounts.
  • Elections of the management committee for 2025.We are looking for nominations for Chair and Treasurer
  • Increase in membership fee.

After the formal proceedings there will be an open forum for members to put forward their views and ideas on a range of issues to help guide your committee in planning the way forward in 2025 and beyond.

The issues to include:

  • Communications.
  • Training.
  • Races, including GP and club events.
  • What do members want from the club?

Expressions of interest in joining the Committee and any other business relating to the club to be sent to the Club Secretary by Monday 3rd February 2025.

Stewy Bell, Club Secretary

Gibside Fruit Bowl Volunteer Information.

Thanks very much for volunteering to help with the Gibside Fruit Bowl.

This is our flagship event and makes a huge financial difference to us so thank you.

I’ve copied the list of volunteers here and the map of the course with the marshal points.

I’ve tried to keep everyone as close to last year’s positions as possible- it makes it much easier for everyone.

We will have a briefing at 8am so please try to be in the main square at GIbside for that. You will then be show to your points by Eric Stamp and Dave Anderson.

Please car share and if possible, park off site. Unless you are a National Trust member, you will be charged £3 to park there (which we will reimburse).

If you haven’t said you are available, you are still welcome to come along. If you can’t see you name there sorry if I’ve missed it, you’re still in the plans!

If you have any questions about the event. Please ask.

Thanks very much

Aidan Hughes