North East Harrier League

What is the Harrier League?

It’s a series of 6 cross country races for clubs in the North East of England. You have to be a member of a club to take part and you have to wear your club vest to compete.

You get one number that you keep and have to wear at each race. Look after it. Wearing the wrong one leads to disqualification! You don’t have to compete in all of the races and you can start at any point in the season. The races take place at different venues across the North East, with a wide variety of terrains included.

The League has a handicap system with slow, medium and fast packs.The packs start at 2.5min intervals with the slow pack starting first. Slow or medium pack runners finishing in the top 10% will be promoted to the medium or fast pack respectively.

See the rules for the full details.

The league has divisions for both Senior Men and Women. Runners score points for their club depending on where they finish. The finish position of the club’s first 6 men (or 4 women) are added together for the team score. Teams are then ranked (men and women separately) and vie to win their division or avoid demotion. But all runners matter – non-counting runners affect the position of counting runners from other clubs, so everyone plays their part!

There are races for junior age categories as well. They have their own pack system and team competition.

You don’t have to be of a particular standard to take part, so even if you’re new to running you can give it a go. All abilities are represented. But you will need spikes or trail shoes – all races are off road. A love of mud helps too!

How do I take part?

Blackhill Bounders Team Manager – Stewy Bell

Once registration is open for the new season we will let you know.

All you will need to do is contact Stewy Bell with your date of birth and £3 entry fee that covers you for all of the races. Stewy will then register you via the on-line system. Collect your race number from the club tent on the day of the race.

You must keep your number for the whole season including the Sherman Cup & Davison Shield.  Do not throw it out after the first fixture. Replacement numbers are available from race HQ for £5.

Age restrictions as follows
Under 11 – must be age 9 on the day of competition
Under 13 – must be 11 on 31st August 2023.  U11s turning 11 during the season may move up to the U13s
Under 15 – must be 13 on 31st August 2023.
Under 17 men – must be 15 on 31st August 2023.
Under 17 & 20 women – must be 15 on 31st August 2023.
Senior Men – must be 17 on 31st August 2023.
Senior Women – must be 20 on 31st August 2023.Masters men aged 65 may (if they wish) run in the 2 lap Senior Women’s race, they register as per normal in the men’s race, then come to race HQ for a replacement number.  Masters wishing to do this must stay in the 2 lap race all season.

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